The Liquid Courage Podcast - Amanda Pereira
Carson's Comedy Corner
Flip Publicity - Carson Pinch
Toronto Fringe 2015 Preview and Cover
Now Magazine - Glenn Sumi
Now Magazine - Glenn Sumi
Behind The Scenes at Second City
The Varsity - Brigit Katz
Second City Role gives Humber Grad Last Laugh​
Humber Etc. - Sharon Tindyewa
​Second City's Ashley Comeau and Connor Thompson: The One
National Post - Melody Lau
​Live Wrong and Prosper at The Second City
Toronto Star - Trish Crawford
​Now Magazine - Glenn Sumi
​Dreams Come True for Two Actors
​InsideToronto.com - Justin Skinner
​Toronto Sun - Jim Slotek
​Humber Etc. - Amanda Graham

"Ashley Comeau’s character work is always polished to a mirrored sheen, even as her confederates contort her into something truly ludicrous."
Mike Andersen, Mooney on Theatre
Improv with Jack McBrayer at Second City Toronto
“One of the best scenes featured McBrayer and Ashley Comeau as two friends praying in a church...”
Glenn Sumi, Now Magazine
​We've Totally (Probably) Got This, Second City Toronto
“...the licensed-to-kill sarcasm of Ashley Comeau;...Sketch after sketch hits the bull’s-eye and twists the arrow deeper into the wound. It’s all very funny, but it hurts as well, which the best comedy does. Every sketch has an inviting comic openness, but there’s a scorpion’s tail waiting deep inside to sting you...”
Richard Ouzunian, The Toronto Star
"The show’s underlying theme is chaos and uncertainty. It’s there in the stylish opening montage about an impending “shit storm,” continues in a clever sketch about a park bench dweller (Nigel Downer) who goes all postal on pigeons, and also shows up in a bit about an eccentric, Karen Klein-ish school bus driver (Ashley Comeau) who finally gets back at the kids who’ve been bullying her.
I’m intentionally singling out Downer and Comeau, who seize hold of the show’s best moments and never let go.”
Glenn Sumi, Now Magazine
“Ashley Comeau has a brilliant, show-stopping bit as a store customer who explodes into a long, angry tirade about another customer's loud, irritating child.”
Jeff Cotrill, DigitalJournal.com
Live Wrong and Prosper, Second City Toronto
“Political satire reaches outside Canada for an emergency meeting of insolvent Europeans, confessing their sins as if they were Alcoholics Anonymous. Well, some confess; others just revert to type, especially Italy, who is late and lecherous. This number builds brilliantly and deliriously. I think it may have the strongest claim of all to be the best item in the show.”But that could be short-changing the scene in which the three excellent ladies in the cast — Ashley Comeau, Inessa Frantowski, Carly Heffernan — become animated pages of the magazines at the supermarket check-out, taunting and daring us not to browse.”
Robert Cushman, The National Post
“Live Wrong and Prosper is one of the more ambitiously heavily-written revues Second City has put on in years...
...The most solid and transgressively hilarious of these was a social networking sketch, in which three grieving friends (Frantowski, Carly Heffernan and Ashley Comeau) discover their dead BFF’s Facebook page is still active (“Shouldn’t we change her status?”), when suddenly a clueless male friend of the deceased I/Ms her to set up a date and they respond. (“I can’t. I’m dead.” — “I’m tired too. How about Thursday?”)...
...On mainstream media, they scored .500. Comeau, Heffernan and Frantowski did an amazing job improvising the pages from a typical vacuous women’s mag.”
Jim Slotek, The Toronto Sun
“In one of my favourite sketches of the night, three BFFs (Inessa Frantowski, Carly Heffernan and Ashley Comeau) discover their dead friend’s Facebook page is still active and pose one of the most important questions of our time: what happens to your Facebook page after you die? (Hint: you might want to update your status to show that you’re dead.)”
Brianne Hogan, Post City.com
“And in the high-energy first act closer, the economic crisis gets skewered in a sketch that sees members of the EU participating in an addiction support group. “It’s been six days since my last bailout,” says one sheepish member. The cultural stereotyping here – from Ashley Comeau’s black-clad Greek matron to Forbes’s stiff German – is broad but fun...
...And for pop culture satire, it’d be hard to top the brilliant improvised spin on reality shows. Heffernan plays a jaded TV exec and Forbes pitches various pilots to her. On opening night, this included Macramé With The Stars, pitting Comeau’s Celine Dion against DeRosse’s John Travolta. The slo-mo replay got one of the night’s biggest laughs.”
Glenn Sumi, Now Magazine
Dreams Really Do Come True! (And Other Lies)​
“Alumnus and first-time director Kerry Griffin gives a jolt of theatricality to the show, evident from the carnival-like opening and continuing in transition scenes via a top hat-wearing Ashley Comeau, a sort of ringleader of wicked laughs.
After a couple of rapid-fire jokes, we settle into the first sketches, one about a blind date between two intellectuals (Carly Heffernan and Alastair Forbes) who get hot and bothered by smart talk, the next about a couple (Comeau and Nigel Downer) who discover one of them’s distantly related to Hitler...
... This is the first show in a while where no one actor dominates; each cast member gets a chance to shine. I can’t wait to see what they do next.”
Glenn Sumi, Now Magazine